
Certain users have the ability to access the Administration section, from where can be performed the following actions:
Under “Settings” administrators can set some default values for all users, like the default homepage template.
Manage Users
Administrators have the ability to add/edit/delete users. They can also activate/inactivate users and log in with their accounts.
Manage Groups of users
Manage permissions of Roles
Add/Edit projects and determine which users are part of each project.
Add/Edit/Delete trackers and templates for each tracker.
Manage case statuses
Manage the activities on which a user spent time.
Manage relationships between statuses and activities in order to be able to auto log time for users.
Manage case priority list
Froala Templates
Manage custom templates that can be used by the Froala Plugin, which turns Text inputs into a rich editor.
System Templates
This is the area where users can add/edit System templates
User Requests
External users can request access to NeosGoal. All the pending requests can be handled in this area.
Audit Trails
This area shows a list of actions performed by users, like deleting an object, updating an object, etc.
Timelog Change Requests
When a user make a mistake logging his/her time, the user is able to request a change. Changes must be approved by someone with the right permission.